Eudora to Outlook Transfer License
Should you require additional information about the program and its functionality, please refer to our detailed usage instruction published on this website. If you still have questions and need more information about the program and the ways it can help you convert your Eudora email archive to Outlook, please contact our technical support service.
Licensing and payment
Several types of Eudora to Outlook Transfer licenses are currently being offered for personal and commercial use:
to You & Your family
select at order page
to Staff & Clients
Command Line
select at order page
to Staff & Clients
Command Line
already included
The activation code will be sent in the purchase confirmation letter to the email address you provided at the time of purchase. Please contact us if it does not arrive within 15 minutes of your order. Software activation instruction is available online.
* - Using of a Business name is prohibited during a Home license purchase. First and Last name should belong to the end user.
* - Standard and extended support provided 24/7 via the online chat (when available) and the support tickets system.
* - Technical license can be activated multiple times, however it should be activated only at one PC a time. It is required to deactivate the license (menu Help > Deactivate the License) or uninstall the licensed software from the client's computer when the conversion is finished.
* - Software activation and license validation require direct Internet connection. Reactivation is possible at the same system where you have performed the activation.
* - Prices are stated in USD, taxes are not included. Appropriate VAT/TAX will be calculated at order page.
Eudora to Outlook Transfer is sold through our trusted reseller that that offers a completely secure checkout with a number of payment options to choose from, including, of course, all major credit cards and PayPal. Clicking the Order Now button will redirect you to the reseller’s website, where you will be able to complete your order.
Apart from selling program licenses, our reseller also offers several useful extras that provide easy access to the product and your license. “Key-Code Recovery” is used for regaining access to the registration code sent to your email address after the purchase. In case you accidentally lose it, this handy option will help you retrieve it and register the product again. The “Extended Download Warranty” option helps download the program’s installation file in case you no longer have the original one or have lost the download link. The third one, “Priority Technical Support”, grants you a right to use priority technical support for fast responses to any questions.
The benefits of becoming a licensed Eudora to Outlook Transfer user
First and foremost, licensing the program will immediately remove the main functional limitation of the trial version – that is, the number of files that the program can process from each source folder. With a full version of Eudora to Outlook Transfer, you can be confident in your ability to perform quick and hassle-free email migrations on your own literally in minutes. In many situations, the tool will save hours of time and ample amounts of money – something that you would otherwise sacrifice to a specialized service.
Below is a list of the most important features of Eudora to Outlook Transfer:
- Designed to work with Eudora’s version of the MBOX format
- Full support of MBOX files generated by Eudora on Mac and PC
- Direct data transfer to a PST file or a Microsoft Outlook profile
- Accurate conversion of Mac encoding to PC encoding
A powerful data analysis core capable of processing MBOX storage files of any size
- Compatibility with all major versions of Windows and MS Outlook, including 64-bit editions
- No bundled software or components included in the installation file (no adware or spyware of any type)
- The installation file requires no additional components to be downloaded and installed
- Fast and easy installation, traceless uninstallation using standard Windows tools (Control Panel)
If you’ve been looking for a fast, reliable and easy-to-use tool for importing email messages from Eudora to Outlook, look no further than Eudora to Outlook Transfer tool. To start, download its free evaluation version and give it a try with a couple of test files. Rest assured that if it works once, it will work for all of your conversion needs in the future.
Refunds and returns policy
Please bear in mind that since Eudora to Outlook Transfer is a digital product, we do not offer returns or refunds for it. Because Eudora to Outlook Transfer is a digital product that can be copied and duplicated without any problems, no returns or refunds are available for it. In order to help our customers make a decision, we offer a free evaluation version that has all the features of the full licensed version, but restricts the number of files imported from each folder. The free version has everything necessary to give you a good idea about the suitability of the tool for your needs without having to pay for it.