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Viestien muuntaminen Pine Mailista Outlookiin

Viestien muuntaminen Pine Mailista Outlookiin

What is Pine Mail

Alpine Mail is a freeware text-based email client originally developed for the Unix platform in 1989. Pineä ei ole kehitetty tai tuettu nyt, ohjelmisto on lopetettu vuonna 2005.

Pine Mail

Kuitenkin, a surprisingly large number of users still ask how to migrate from Pine email client to Outlook. And the problem is real: Microsoft Outlook simply does not offer any ways to import Pine messages to Outlook. Partially because (let us be honest) it does not have to. And partially, because Pine is an email client developed for a competing platform.

If you are a Pine user too and you need to convert your Pine messages to Outlook, tämä opetusohjelma on sinua varten.

How to convert messages from Pine to Outlook

While there is no direct way to convert Pine to Outlook, there is a workaround. Ensinnäkin, you convert your message folders to the MBOX format – and Pine does support this. Sitten, you import MBOX files to Outlook.

Importing MBOX files can be done with the third-party software developed exactly for difficult cases like this – MBOX to Outlook Transfer. This app quickly and 100% effortlessly transfers MBOX mailboxes to MS Outlook PST files. Here is a step-by-step to follow:

Vaihe 1: Save Pine folders to MBOX

There is a built-in possibility in Pine to save email folders as MBOX files. Follow these steps to do this:

  1. Open a folder in Pine you want to export.
  2. Lehdistö ';" näppäimistölläsi "select messages" -komennon suorittamiseksi, paina sitten ‘a' valitaksesi kaikki viestit.
  3. Lehdistö 'a' käyttääksesi komennon valittuihin viesteihin, paina sitten ‘e' vientikomennolle.
  4. Anna MBOX-tiedostollesi nimi.
  5. Toista tarvittaessa muiden kansioiden kanssa.

This will export your correspondence to the MBOX format. Make sure to remember where you saved your MBOX files, because we will need this location later.

Vaihe 2: Asenna MBOX Outlook Transferiin

The trickiest part of the Pine-to-Outlook migration procedure is importing MBOX files. Manual conversion is not an option – Outlook does not read MBOX files altogether. That is why you need MBOX to Outlook Transfer. This tool can take any MBOX file, exported from a number of email clients including Pine or, esimerkiksi, ukkoslintu, and saves the data in it to an Outlook PST file.

To download MBOX to Outlook Transfer, napsauta alla olevaa painiketta. After download finishes (1-2 minulle), install the program.

Lataa ilmaiseksiWindows 32/64-bitOsta osoitteesta $29.95Avaa kaikki ominaisuudet
* - Rekisteröimätön versio muuntaa rajoitetun määrän viestejä

MBOXin Outlook Transferin pääikkuna näyttää seuraavalta:

Mbox-siirto - Lähdekansion valinta

Vaihe 3: Selaa kansiota MBOX-tiedostoilla

To start your conversion, Klikkaa ... button to browse for the folder where you saved the MBOX files. If you move from another computer, select the removable media where you copied your MBOX files instead.

Napsauta Skannaa kansio nappi. MBOX to Outlook Transfer tarkistaa annetun polun ja löytää kaikki MBOX-tiedostot siitä. Löydetyt sähköpostisäilöt näkyvät heti pääikkunassa.

Mbox-siirto - Postilaatikoiden skannaus

Vaihe 4: Tuo MBOX-tiedot Outlookiin

To import MBOX containers to Outlook, Klikkaa Tallenna PST nappi. Specify a location where you want to save the PST file. Sitten, you should also pick an Outlook folder to import the data from Pine mailboxes to.

Lopuksi, click OK to start conversion.

Mbox-siirto - Postilaatikon muuntaminen PST:ksi

The processing of MBOX files can take some time depending on the number of files and their overall size. While MBOX to Outlook Transfer implements one of the most performing conversion engines, you still may need to wait a bit, especially if the Pine mailboxes contain gigabytes of data.

Kun prosessi on valmis, ohjelma avaa automaattisesti tuloksena olevan PST-tiedoston Outlookissa.

Here is also:

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Viestien muuntaminen Pine Mailista Outlookiin

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