If you are using the online version of Outlook that is called Outlook (uusi), you should refer to tämä ohje sen sijaan.
Exporting Live Mail Contacts to VCF Files
If your Live Mail application is not working, you can export contacts from the Windows Address Book (Lue alla). Muuten, follow these steps to export contacts directly from Windows Live Mail:
- Open the Live Mail application on your computer.
- Valitse “Yhteydet” menu or press the Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut to open the Contacts section.
- Päävalikossa (Ctrl + M), valita “Vienti” ja valitse sitten “Käyntikortti (.VCF)”.
- Choose a location (preferably an empty directory) where the exported Live Mail contact files will be saved. Napsauta “Kunnossa” button to proceed.
- Jos sitä pyydetään, select the fields you want to include in the export (esim., Nimi, Sähköposti, Puhelinnumero). This ensures all necessary contact details are saved.
Your Address Book is now saved into virtual contact files (.VCF), making it ready for import into Outlook.
Exporting Contacts from Windows Address Book (WAB)
If your Live Mail application is not functional, you can still export your contacts using the Windows Address Book (WAB). This method ensures that you can export your contacts even if Windows Live Mail is not running. Noudata näitä ohjeita:
- Click on the Start menu and type “WAB” in the search bar. Select the Windows Address Book application from the search results.
- In the Address Book, siirry “Tiedosto” valikko, valita “Vienti”, ja valitse “Osoitekirja (WAB)”.
- Valitse “Text File (Erotintiedosto)” muoto ja klikkaa “Vienti”.
- Klikkaa “Selailla” to choose a directory where the exported CSV file will be saved. Enter a file name and click “Tallenna”.
- Tässä “Export Windows Address Book” dialogi, check the fields you want to include, such as Name, Sähköposti, and Phone Number. Klikkaa “Suorittaa loppuun” edetä.
- Your contacts will now be saved in a CSV file, ready to be imported into Outlook.
Importing Live Mail vCard Contacts to Outlook
* - Rekisteröimätön versio muuntaa rajoitetun määrän yhteystietojaTo import the vCard (.VCF) files into Outlook, noudata näitä vaiheita:
- Download and Install vCard to Outlook Conversion Tool, and run the application.
- Indicate the directory where your .VCF files were saved during the export process.
- paina “Skannaa kansio” button and wait for the tool to locate all the .VCF files.
- Käytä menu “Tila” valita “Tallenna PST” if your Outlook profile type is “online” (IMAP or Exchange Server account that stores data on the server).
- Napsauta “Tallenna PST” button and specify the file name for the PST file.
- Jos sitä pyydetään, select the Outlook profile and the contacts folder to be used as the target. Continue with the conversion process.
Once the conversion is finished, open the PST file with your contacts in Microsoft Outlook using the “Tiedosto > Avoin > Avoin Outlookin datatiedosto” valikko. Organize the imported contacts as needed, such as creating contact groups or moving contacts.
If you need more TIPs on importing vCard files to Outlook, sinä voit read this enhanced instruction.
* - Rekisteröimätön versio muuntaa rajoitetun määrän yhteystietojaMigrating your contacts from Windows Live Mail to Outlook is a straightforward process that requires careful attention to detail. By following this guide, you can ensure that all your contact information is successfully transferred and preserved. Regular backups and attention to data privacy are crucial to maintaining the integrity and security of your contacts.
Voit myös tietää:
- Miten muuntaa IncrediMail yhteystietoja Outlook?
- Miten siirtää Thunderbird yhteystietoja Outlook?
- How to migrate from ncrediMail to Thunderbird?
- Kuinka siirtää Windows Live Mail turvallisesti Outlookiin?
Varma, Stanley, it is right here: https://www.outlooktransfer.com/products/live-mail-to-outlook-transfer/