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How to Convert Claws Mail Messages to Outlook

How to Convert Claws Mail Messages to Outlook

What is Claws Mail

Claws Mail is a free and open-source e-mail client both for Windows and Unix-like systems developed since 2001. The email client offers message composing, sending, filtering and a number of other comprehensive features.

Clawsmail screenshot

How to convert messages from Claws Mail to Outlook

Direct conversion of emails from Claws Mail to Outlook is impossible, unfortunately. Claws Mail stores messages in its own MH format by default, and Outlook cannot open that format. However, you still can extract your emails from Claws Mail and import them to Outlook. Below is the step-by-step guide on how to export Claws Mail messages to the MBOX format, and then import the resulting MBOX file to MS Outlook.

Step 1: Convert Claws Mail to MBOX

Claws Mail uses its own mailbox format – MH mailbox which is unreadable in Outlook. So, the very first step we need to make is to convert your original MH mailbox in Claws Mail to the much more common MBOX format.

Select the “File > Export to mbox file” menu command.

Export Clawsmail Mbox

The exporting dialog opens. Specify the source folder in the Claws Mail (for example, Inbox) and browse for a destination folder, where you want the resulting MBOX file with the selected folder data to be saved.

Click OK to save the MBOX file.

Note: if you exporting emails from your Unix computer, you will need to copy the resulting MBOX file to some removable storage, like a USB stick. If both Claws Mail and Outlook are installed on the same windows machine, you only need to remember the folder where you saved MBOX.

Step 2: Install MBOX to Outlook Transfer

MBOX to Outlook Transfer is a specialized software to quickly and effortlessly transfer any MBOX data directly to Outlook.

Download the program using the below button and install it.

DownloadFor Windows 32/64-bit

After you install the program and run it, you should see the main window of the MBOX converter:

Mbox Transfer - Source Folder selection

Step 3: Browse the folder with MBOX files

Click the browse button (the one with three dots) and select the location where the MBOX files exported from Claws Mail are stored. If you used a removable media to transfer MBOX files from your Unix computer to the Windows PC, specify it here.

Click the Scan Folder button. MBOX to Outlook Transfer will scan the provided directory to locate all MBOX files in it. Depending on the number of files and their volume the process may take up to a few minutes.

Mbox Transfer - Scanning for mailboxes

Step 4: Save MBOX data to the PST format

When scanning completes, you should see the list of found email containers in the main window. Now, click the Save PST button.

Mbox Transfer - List of found mailboxes

The program will ask you to specify the location where to save your Outlook PST file. Then, specify the Outlook folder where the data from the Claws Mail should be imported to.

Confirm conversion.

Mbox Transfer - Mailbox to PST conversion

MBOX to Outlook Transfer begin converting your Claws Mail messages from MBOX to Outlook. If you want to stop the process, click the “Abort” button.

When the process finishes, the program automatically opens the resulting PST file in Outlook.

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How to Convert Claws Mail Messages to Outlook

time to read: 2 min