Mbox to Outlook Transfer License
If you need more information about the program and the ways you can use it for converting Mbox files to Outlook, please refer to our detailed step-by-step user’s manual available on the Instructions pages.
Licensing and payment
At the moment, we offer the following types of Mbox to Outlook Transfer licenses for home and business use
to You & Your family
select at order page
to Staff & Clients
Command Line
select at order page
to Staff & Clients
Command Line
already included
The activation code will be sent in the purchase confirmation letter to the email address you provided at the time of purchase. Please contact us if it does not arrive within 15 minutes of your order. Software activation instruction is available online.
* - Using of a Business name is prohibited during a Home license purchase. First and Last name should belong to the end user.
* - Standard and extended support provided 24/7 via the online chat (when available) and the support tickets system.
* - Technical license can be activated multiple times, however it should be activated only at one PC a time. It is required to deactivate the license (menu Help > Deactivate the License) or uninstall the licensed software from the client's computer when the conversion is finished.
* - Software activation and license validation require direct Internet connection. Reactivation is possible at the same system where you have performed the activation.
* - Prices are stated in USD, taxes are not included. Appropriate VAT/TAX will be calculated at order page.
Mbox to Outlook Transfer can be purchased through a trusted reseller of our products that offers a completely secure checkout with several payment options to choose from, including all major credit cards and PayPal. Once you click the Buy Now button, you will be redirected to our reseller’s site and will be able to complete your order. You may also obtain the usage license from the local reseller of our software.
Not only does our reseller sell licenses, but also offers a number of extras that facilitate access to the product and your license. The first one, called “Key-Code Recovery”, is used to secure future access to the original registration code sent to your email address right after the purchase. If you inadvertently lose or delete it, this option will help you retrieve it and re-register the product. The “Extended Download Warranty” guarantees access to the program’s installation file in case you no longer have the original one or have lost the link to it. Finally, “Priority Technical Support” gives you a right to use priority technical support services to get responses to your questions as quickly as possible.
Advantages of purchasing an Mbox to Outlook Transfer license
Entering your license code in the program immediately removes the limitations of the free demo version and lets you process any number of .mbox and .mbx files to MS Outlook. Having this tool available at all times will give you confidence in being able to convert any number of email files without having to outsource this task to third parties or wait for members of your corporate IT service to help you. Mbox to Outlook Transfer can potentially save hours of your time in situations when time is the most essential resource and when speedy email conversion is absolutely necessary.
Below is a list of the most notable features of Mbox to Outlook Transfer tool:
- Full support of all types and variants of files of the MBOX format generated by various email clients on Mac and PC platforms. If not, we may quickly add a new mbox format parser by your request.
- Accurate conversion of Mac and Linux encodings to PC encoding for full post-conversion readability
- Fast and reliable conversion of any number of mailbox files of any size
- Support of direct data transfer to Microsoft Outlook and output to standalone PST file
- Fully compatible with all major versions of Windows and MS Outlook, including 64-bit versions
- No unwanted extras included in the installation package (no adware or spyware of any sort)
- A compact installation file that requires no additional components to be downloaded
- Fast and easy installation, traceless uninstallation
If you need a reliable, fast and ultimately convenient tool for importing Mbox email collections to Outlook, make sure you don’t miss our tool. All you need to do is to download the test version and try it on a few files. If it works once, it will always work for you.
Refunds and product returns
Note that due to the electronic nature of our product, we do not provide refunds or returns for Mbox to Outlook Transfer. As a 100% digital product, Mbox to Outlook Transfer license can be easily copied and duplicated, which means that standard return policies do not apply to it. Such products cannot be returned to the store, refurbished and re-sold to other customers. To help users make a purchase decision, we supply our product with a free limited version that offers the functionality of the full licensed version, but limits the number of files processed from each folder. The trial is functional enough to give you a good idea about the fitness of the product for your needs without having to pay for it. Therefore, we offer no refunds for Mbox to Outlook Transfer and do not accept product returns.