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Como dividir arquivo PST durante EML para PST conversão?

Como dividir arquivo PST durante EML para PST conversão?

Quando se trata de gerenciar grandes quantidades de dados no Outlook, um problema comum que os usuários enfrentam é a limitação de tamanho dos arquivos PST. Arquivos PST, which store all the emails, anexos, and other data in Outlook, have a maximum size limit set by Microsoft. This can cause problems when trying to import a large number of EML files into Outlook.

The amount of data coming in from everywhere is growing all the time, and the Outlook PST file is no different. Lots of emails every day, lots of attachments, encaminhamentos e respostas. Contudo, the PST size is limited by Microsoft by default, so you may face the problem when Outlook stops working.

Por exemplo, Perspectiva 2002 PST file size is limited to 2 Gb, Perspectiva 2003-2007 PST file size is limited to 20 Gb. Versões modernas do MS Outlook 2010 and above are limited to PST files of no more than 50 GB de tamanho. But what if you need to import tons of EML files?

Contudo, with the latest versions of produtos de transferência Outlook (5.2 e acima), a new feature has been implemented to address this issue. Users now have the option to split the output PST file into smaller parts during the EML to PST conversion process. This allows for easier management of large amounts of data and ensures that the PST file size remains within the limits set by Microsoft.

Opção - Dividir o arquivo PST de saída e tamanho do Volume

How to split PST file automatically:

Vamos analisá-lo no exemplo de EML a ferramenta Transferência Outlook…

  1. Executar o EML Outlook Transfer Utility.
  2. Selecione os “Salvar em arquivo PSToption from theModo” cardápio.
  3. Vá para o “Opções” menu e selecione “Dividir arquivo PST de saída“.
  4. Choose the desired size for each PST file part (volume de).
  5. If desired, select the target Outlook folder from theOpções” cardápio.
  6. Specify or select the source folder where the EML files and folders are stored.
  7. Clique no “pasta de varredura” botão Digitalizar as subpastas aninhadas.
  8. Finalmente, Clique no “Salvar PST” botão para iniciar o EML para PST conversão.

Durante o processo de conversão, the Outlook Transfer tool will write all the imported data into several PST files, with each part numbered in the file name. These PST files can be opened separately in Microsoft Outlook by going to the “Arquivo” cardápio, selecting “Aberto”, and then choosing “Arquivo de Dados aberto Outlook…”.

How to split PST file manually

In addition to the PST splitting feature, the Outlook Transfer Tool also offers the ability to save and load the email container list. This functionality allows users to pause the data conversion process and resume from the same point, but specify the new PST file name for output, which can be useful when working with large data arrays.

  1. Run the Outlook Transfer software.
  2. Specify the source folder and click thepasta de varredura” botão.
    This will populate the list of email containers. Each source file will be selected by default.
  3. Vá para o “Editarmenu and use theDeselect All” opção.
  4. Select the first part of the source files (you can do this by holding down the Mudança key and moving the selection with the Down/Up chaves).
  5. Quando você concluir, vou ao “Editarmenu and use theCheck Selected” opção.
  6. Agora clique no “Salvar PSTbutton and convert the first part of the emails.
  7. Do the same for the second and other parts of the source, specifying the new PST file name each time.


No geral, the ability to split the PST file during the EML to PST conversion process provides users with a convenient way to manage and organize their data in Outlook. It ensures that the PST file size remains within the limits set by Microsoft and allows for easier navigation and access to the imported data.

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Estou com o problema de que preciso transferir um arquivo * .box enorme [65 Gb – aquele. 190k itens] em um arquivo * .pst. A maneira explicada acima para dividir não funciona.

Quaisquer recomendações?

Este artigo descreve a divisão do PST durante a conversão EML para PST. Não se trata da divisão da CAIXA. Por Favor entre em contato com nossa equipe de suporte com essa pergunta, eles ficarão felizes em ajudar.

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Como dividir arquivo PST durante EML para PST conversão?

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